Sunday, August 15, 2010


So its been so long since I've published a new blog! 

The only thing that's on my mind right now is music, work and always love [=. I've never realized what dedication meant until now. Giving "your life" to a cause or an idea. Something that you'd lay down your life for
Eat it, breathe it, research it, love it. I've been searching for something  worthy to dedicate my life to. Something positive and beneficial to the world and myself. I've witness one person's dedication; Kyries Hebert. And it change my idea of the world and fate. He makes his own decisions. He runs his own business. Because he was dedicated to his cause and ready for the opportunities.   
Now that I've discovered the meaning of DEDICATION I think I'm almost there

1 comment:

  1. Very Nice! I love every aspect of this..
    Your spoken words.. As well as your beautiful pictures..
