If for one second I could indulge
And forget what ever I've been told
Forget the rules and all the moves
Neglecting poise and silky smooth
I would indulge my heart and mind in you
I would indulge like lovers on at two
A chocolaty caramel sensation
Intense like physical penetration
Blood flow high and colors racing
I would indulge in you like I was tasting
Sweet sweet mud, of my mother’s making
If only you could feel what I’m anticipating
You’d never leave me dry for breaking...
I am a goddess in my mind
And you, my subject, owe a fine
You can see a twinkle in my eye
You’re scared to death that you might die
“Come here”, I say
And you step forward
I glance at you walking closer
Grab you by your neck and say
Come with me to my own corridors
And right behind you close the doors
If you could see how you make me smile
You’d probably stay longer than a while
It’s not natural for one to have such an affect
Especially on a hardened chest
But here’s a map that leads you to the key
And when you come back I’ll know you’ve come for me
You’ll unlock and find softness in there
Softness that only a few haven’t feared
Indulge yourself in me with tears
If I became your fantasy
Whipped cream and cheery toppings
Everything that’s to your liking
Would you forget the world for your pipe dreams?
That is, me...
Would you forget the world to chase
Something that only exists in your own space
Indulge, My Love, in true existence
It isn’t real until you invent it
If they can do it, who says we can’t?
If we could indulge for just one second