Sunday, January 30, 2011

Have you ever..

Have you ever felt like the world was too much
and you had given so much 
best wasn't enough 
and you're not allowed to cry?

Have you ever felt like you didn't fit in
embarrassed for more than just the color of your skin 
you didn't asked to be different 
And you wanted to leave the world behind?

Or have you ever felt under pressure 
a voice tried to be your mentor  
but ppl might've talked about you 
and you just wanted to hide?

Welcome to the war 
these things are real
these things I feel 
U are not alone. 

I found somebody to look up to 
Who went through what I do 
and the war will be over soon 
Look up to me as I look up to you

Have you ever had something to say 
but you let the moment pass away 
and when you're alone home and safe 
you say it out loud to yourself? 

Have you ever searched for something that made you special
you came up empty handed and ruffled 
and in the midst of all hell
you only realized why they were better than you were? 

Have you ever thought that nobody understood?
Even when they said they did
so you live your life inside your head 
you understand yourself better anyway.. 

Have you ever forced yourself to be untrue 
you just wanted to smile like they do
but it never felt right to you 
you lost yourself along that way..? 

Have you ever screamed at the top of your lungs 
glaring at the reflection in the mirror 
it's so unfair 
tears never stopped.. they never seem to dry? 

A piece of you is similar to a piece of me
If you happened to answer yes to any of these 
I face each problem every single day 
And we are not alone 
we're in good company (:

Be strong. We have it in us, the war will soon fear US!



  1. Oooo I like
    So heartbreaking but comforting at the same time

  2. yea u mos. def. gotta talent for expressing how u feel or felt thru words...continue being the voice for urself and others, janae...yeaa bein different isn't for everybody, so wen God chooses us we jus gotta accept our task and trust God, dat He's gonna use us to make a difference, in the world. God made no mistake in making u up to ur up to Greatness...Michael jordan, Michael jackson, President obama lol, these are jus some of the few diff. ppl...Be encouraged! =)
