I guess youre probably wondering why I'm sharing myself here on Blogger. And thats a very good question. BUT if I can make this clear, and I will try, its something about admitting the truth to another human being, if there is anybody who reads this and I bet there are ppl out there, that releases and frees you from a forever, downing blackness
Now you have to be totally honest. Cuz ppl can see through lies, even written ones.
The 5th step in the 12 steps to Serenity (or AA) is that you admitted to God, yourself and Another Human Being the exact nature of our wrong doings. And step 4 is made a moral inventory of ourselves.
If you've been reading my blogs, youve noticed more confessions then rambling.. though I do try to pass them off as such.
Since I dont know you and you cant judge me (to my knowing)
This helps me. When I have nobody to talk to. I can say anything I want here... to you.
I feel the same.