She still searches for someone that could love her
.. That can handle all of her
Just like she handled all of her lovers
She runs deep like the ocean
Her vices, she cant control them
And if you asked her what her name is
She'd have to pause for a moment
She's been talked about
But survived
In her skin she lives a life
That she has never been satisfied.
You ask her who she was,
She wont tell you a lie
She's a woman that knows she had a chance
A chance to change her ways
But she let her mind keep her the same
Many men have passed her way
She can feel them
But can't say their names
And I don't think she really cares
All the burdens that she bares
All those violent, crushing stares
All those things she has to hear..
If one man had only loved her
She would only have one lover
All she wanted was some one to love her
So she passes on, lover to lover