Sunday, January 30, 2011

Have you ever..

Have you ever felt like the world was too much
and you had given so much 
best wasn't enough 
and you're not allowed to cry?

Have you ever felt like you didn't fit in
embarrassed for more than just the color of your skin 
you didn't asked to be different 
And you wanted to leave the world behind?

Or have you ever felt under pressure 
a voice tried to be your mentor  
but ppl might've talked about you 
and you just wanted to hide?

Welcome to the war 
these things are real
these things I feel 
U are not alone. 

I found somebody to look up to 
Who went through what I do 
and the war will be over soon 
Look up to me as I look up to you

Have you ever had something to say 
but you let the moment pass away 
and when you're alone home and safe 
you say it out loud to yourself? 

Have you ever searched for something that made you special
you came up empty handed and ruffled 
and in the midst of all hell
you only realized why they were better than you were? 

Have you ever thought that nobody understood?
Even when they said they did
so you live your life inside your head 
you understand yourself better anyway.. 

Have you ever forced yourself to be untrue 
you just wanted to smile like they do
but it never felt right to you 
you lost yourself along that way..? 

Have you ever screamed at the top of your lungs 
glaring at the reflection in the mirror 
it's so unfair 
tears never stopped.. they never seem to dry? 

A piece of you is similar to a piece of me
If you happened to answer yes to any of these 
I face each problem every single day 
And we are not alone 
we're in good company (:

Be strong. We have it in us, the war will soon fear US!


Friday, January 28, 2011


You see things differently than I do.
Thats exactly why I love you.
Forget the clothes and the way you look
Its your energy thats got me hooked.
A little piece of paradise in staring slowly in your eyes
A little piece of heavens cake the sweetness never dies

A star next to you is only invisible
The world next to you is only a ball
A picture next to you is only some markings
and a king next to you would fall

Im winded. But Im more alive
Im floating. But Im in this place
For you. Forever

Id crush a mountain if I couldnt see you
Swallow the sea if I couldnt reach you
You are the furniture in my heart
The muscle in my skin
do you see it now?
Im strong. Im full. all because of you
You are my seat belt that fastens me in route
My protection. My connection. My vessel to the world
And if it wasnt us at the end, then I'd be one lonely girl
My head aches no longer
for my healer has arrived
clouds are dark no longer
for the sun turned on its light.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lost Love Letter Left for my Lover

My Dearest,

My passion flows so deeply for you that I find words to be useless. There is a long forgotten flame that you've happened to stubble upon and ignited. I don't believe it could have been lit by anyone else. there is a heat in your touch that arouses my blood. And a texture in you voice that sails my skin. there is a vibration in you lips that tremble my nerves. and a lust in your eyes that vanishes the world. 

i would get lost in space with you. if you would hold me for all time. 

I will long remember these words verbatim in written sequences as i have rehearsed them repeatedly to the air. i touch the air as if you were there in front of me. i wrap my sheets around me as if it were your body pressed so tightly with mine like atoms infusing. i would be a chemical with you. we would never part. there would be no method to divide us equally to our independent states. 

my desire for you dives far past longing. i yearn for you as a weapon yearns for flesh. i copy your expressions in my memory to recall on after you have left. i dedicate moments in my day to you as to make you proud. i saved my fortress for you, king. no acknowledgements required. all of this is for the love i feel in your presents. it glows so warm that it carries me to our next encounter. a day without you is ten years without rain in the desert. and hours without you equates to centuries without sunlight in the north. 

i say this the only way i know how; in truth. and im sitting here at my desk contemplating heavens arrival, that is, when you come back to my arms, my love. when you are near my heart skips a beat and when we touch they race the same speed. and it responds only to you. you're my hearts only keeper, caller and desire. my soul reaches for you without my body knowing. am i possessed? 

nature is the most brilliant essence of virtue. and when i look into the moons radiant halo, all i seem to think about is you. a storm has cast over a city and the thunderous clouds remind me of your strength. a white dove flies passed my car window as it rains and i can only think of your gentleness. and upon thinking of the magnitude of a star, i am only brought back to your greatness. 

i don't want to know how. i am just happy that this is. i know you experience my joy when you witness unforeseen tears fall from my eyes in moments of silence between us. it is only necessary that we stay together. i cannot fathom an inch of time deprived of a single splash of you against the coating of my life. 

And if you're here I am here. I'll never be here without you. I'll never go there until you allow me to, with you. Be mine like a Valentine candy would quote. Run with me through a lifetime so we can catch up to eternity. Just you an me. 
From your immeasurable, indefinite, limitless Janae 
I dedicate my time and space 
to You 