Sunday, November 28, 2010


I’ll never act like I’m annoyed with you 
If you don’t act annoyed with me
And I’ll never be so impatient with you 
If you’re not so impatient with me

Because I love you 
And I’m only reacting to the things you put me through
But if you treat me really good
I’ll treat you really good too 
Dear Diary,
My thoughts may come out slow
But I want to let you know
That I fell in love today

It was only with his face
And the taste of his cologne
But I learned something’s about him
From the fragrance in my nose

He’s and honest man.
And from the spice
It was clear that he cared about the simple things in life
I got close enough to touch him
He had just the right amount on
Evidently he cares about first impressions
But doesn’t come off too strong
He’s a gentle man with a clear conscience
About the person he’s become
And he’d rather let a person speak
Before he asks what’s wrong

He’s easy going and not a cheap man either
I could tell that if he has a girl
He’d really like to please her
And from the way he dressed
To the look shone from his eyes
It’s apparent he’s a caring man
Filled with love in his life time
I hope one day I meet him
And he tells me his full name
But I’ll remember his scent meanwhile
Until we meet again.

With much affection and a flaming heart of desire,

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The People

I was going to make this into a song but, a letter in writing has a universal language for all The People. 

The People

    Thank you God for all the people in my life. 
    Even though I've..
Left Them,
Mocked Them,
Hated Them,
Hurt Them,
Used Them,
Changed Them.

     They still cared about Me.
               Loved Me.
               Took Me.
          Shared with Me.
             Forgave Me.

    The PEOPLE are.... Fearless.

    and I would not be who I am today without the people being who they are. 

They brought me back to God. Showed me true love.

Thank You People
Thank you God for The People. 
I love them
I love you, God.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I’ve been
Drinking more than I’ve been singing
Blogging more than I’ve been thinking
Mad because I am not gifted 

I’ve been 
Crying because I realized I’m 
Dying, I won’t get two chances 
So I give up lying 
Here’s where I stand

I’m over compensating for
An illusion I won’t be more
I look at the stars and say 
That could be me
One day 
One day

I’ve been 
Lying down more than I’m trying 
Picking fights more than I’m writing
Plotting how to get you to believe
This star in me

I’ve been 
Spying on all who threaten
Those who sing better than I can 
Id lay down my life for my dream and 
I’m frightened

I’m over compensating for
An illusion I won’t be more
I look at the stars and say 
That could be me
One day 
One day